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Self Directed Project

For our final brief for the end of term we were given the ability to choose what we wanted to do and look at, this was a dry run for our third year project that would span across our entire third year. 

The first thing we had to do was present our initial ideas to our tutors, even though I struggled to come up with an idea I am really glad I did this because of the feedback I received was really helpful. My idea was to create a graphical response to 10 milestones of humanity, I wanted to focus on the negative points of these milestones but this was a bad idea. The tutors pointed out the information of the negative side effects might be hard to find since when the flight for example was first achieved the negative side wasn't really recorded but focused more on the positive. I decided to follow their advise and focus on the positive side of each milestone.

My final outcome for this brief is 10 postcards each representing a milestone that humanity has achieved and benefited from, each of my postcards had a main image that focused on the milestone itself and a background that was related to the main image. I designed these postcards to be sold in the Science Museum, overall I feel like 5 of my postcards worked better than the others. The backgrounds of these 5 postcards where abstract and made them more interesting also the hierarchy of information really worked well.

Overall I am really happy with the outcomes however I would like to improve the 5 postcards that didn't work and improve their backgrounds this is something I will look.

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